Monday 27 March 2023


For you have been born again [that is, reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose] not of seed which is perishable but [from that which is] imperishable and immortal, that is, through the living and everlasting word of God. 1 Peter 1:23 AMP

Doreen is arguably the most important ex-girlfriend I have ever had and one of the greatest friends in my life. One hot afternoon, sometime in March 2012, a tall straight out of campus church girl, with a proverbial diastema hurriedly slipped an invitation letter into my hands.

Dorine and I were dating, she was nice, crispy and had good vibes. We meet on Facebook at the time when surfing the Internet cost an arm and a leg!

She had arranged with her cell to get me an invite for the amazingly famous Heavens Gate & Hells Flame show at Watoto Church Down Town.

She was an usher, so she sent me to the balcony and told me she would be right back, "she's very inconsiderate" I thought to myself, "Why would she abandon her boyfriend like that" but I patiently sat through the drama. Boy! was it powerful.

"Heaven's Gate and Hell's Flame" is a metaphorical reference to the concept of heaven and hell in Christian theology, heaven is often described as a place of eternal peace and joy, where believers go after they die to be with God and enjoy the rewards of a life lived in faith. On the other hand, hell is often described as a place of eternal punishment and suffering, reserved for those who have rejected God and lived a life of sin.

The metaphor of "Heaven's Gate" refers to the idea that entrance to heaven is through a narrow gate or door, and only those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior and lived a life of faith will be granted entry. The metaphor of "Hell's Flame" refers to the idea that hell is a place of torment and suffering, often depicted as a fiery inferno, where those who have rejected God will spend eternity.

As the actors and actresses which included the celebrated comedian Kenneth Kimuli a.k.a Pablo transformed themselves into completely different personalities, some like the devil incarnate while others like angels, they shed their own personalities and took on the characteristics of others.

As the clock ticked, Pastor Gary Skinner, did the altar call, and as fear gripped me on the heaven and hell escapades, I gave my life to Christ, Hallelujah. Dorine caught up with me, on my way out, she had kept an eye on me, the way village aunts eavesdrop their teenage nieces boyfriend tales.

She saw me off as I sauntered to Kikoni. I was now a new creature.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV.

Years later, when I realised what she did for me, I have never stopped thanking her for bringing me to light, She led me to Christ. 

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