Sunday 22 October 2023


Victoria Namusisi (Not real names) had dreamt of studying and becoming something of repute, she had known of no other way to help her family than through getting a good education.

For some reason, she did not complete her education, she enrolled to study Physiotherapy and what she thought would be a successful medical career ended up as a masseuse at a brothel.

I had an earnest desire to conduct my first massage, I had heard of many stories about massage and what happens in those massage parlors cum brothels, and the thought of bumping into some sort of fille de joie at a parlor scared me greatly.

As we drove through Hoima town, I saw a signpost for a massage parlor and I was interested.
When I arrived, the lady at the reception explained the different packages including a package which included clients having a bit of rumpy pumpy with the masseuse, that thought startled me but I later understood why.

When I was led into the massage room, the place exuded a sense of tranquility, bathed in a soft, diffused glow of ambient lighting. The air was scented with the soothing aroma of incense, invoking an immediate feeling of relaxation. The massage table, draped in crisp, white linens with some red flower petals sprinkled over making a conspicuous heart symbolic of love.

In no minute, Victoria turned up in the room and she sat just next to me, the distance between her mouth and my ear was closer than a child to a mother, what is going on here? I thought to myself. She was suggestive but I was not interested. She briefly left the room to allow me change my clothes and make myself ready for the massage. No sooner had she left than when I burst out bubbling in tongues, I needed to call on a cloud of angels and witnesses to protect me and keep me safe from a potential seduction.

A massage parlor is a place where individuals can receive legitimate massage and relaxation services from trained massage therapists. These services are typically non-sexual and are intended for relaxation, stress relief, or therapeutic purposes. However, in some cases, illicit activities may occur in massage parlors, where sexual services are offered in exchange for money. This is illegal in many places and can lead to law enforcement intervention and the closure of such establishments.

When Victoria returned, she asked me to settle onto the plush, padded table, her skilled hands began to dance through my muscles. The touch was gentle yet firm, like the gentle caress of an afternoon breeze. Each stroke seemed to unravel the knots of stress that had settled deep within my muscles.

The room was filled with the sounds of serenity: the soft, melodic hum of tranquil music, the occasional whisper of the therapist’s instructions, and the rhythmic percussion of her hands, creating a symphony of relaxation. It was a choreography of tactile sensations, a ballet of healing touch.

Warm oil was applied, adding a sensation of silkiness that further enhanced the experience. The hands moved with precision, tracing a path from neck to shoulders, down the spine, and along the limbs, coaxing tension to release its grip. Muscles sighed in relief, surrendering to the skilled ministrations.

The world outside the massage room faded away as I surrendered to the sensory journey. The sensation of time became fluid, and worries melted into the ether. It was a moment of pure indulgence, the exquisite symphony of touch, scent, and sound, lead me into a realm of profound serenity.

As Victoria went about her work, I struck up a conversation that would later become one of the greatest things to happen to her, in there I had learnt that occasionally she would sleep with clients depending on the package they choose and though she didn't like it, she had no choice, she had two little children to feed, the man who got her pregnant on two occasions had abandoned her and she had no other option except to do this kind of work.

In that moment of anguish as I relived her experiences, a great door and effectual opened for me to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, by the time I was done, she had agreed to give her life to Christ.

I returned home so excited, It was one of the greatest stories of salvation God had ever done by my hands and what a previledge that was. 

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